Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Leaked Nudes Not 'Scandal' but Sex Crime!

    When I first saw the photos or heard about them, immediately I jumped to the conclusion that the celebrities were to blame. After reading the article Jennifer Lawrence Nude Photo Leak Isn't A 'Scandal" It's A Sex Crime, I realized how foolish and unfair I was to feel that way. The celebrities retain the right to store whatever type of information or photos on their personal devices, even if that includes nude photos of themselves. The celebrities did not send these pictures to someone who then released them to the public, but rather, the celebrities cell phones were tapped, or hacked into and the files were stolen and later released on the internet.
    The central point or argument of this article is the fact that these photos were not leaked, but rather they were stolen from someones personal device. With this in mind, the author feels that the celebrities do not need to apologize or feel that they were wrong in any way. Even though taking nude photos of yourself and keeping them unprotected is advised against, it is not a crime to do so. Therefore Jennifer Lawrence, or any of he other celebrities involved in this so called 'scandal' are to blame.
    In regard to the author's statement about how it is not the celebrities fault that these promiscuous photos were leaked, or stolen, I agree completely with him. The celebrities did not intend for these PRIVATE photos to be shared with the entire world, nor did they plan on a random attack by unknown hackers. The fact that people in today's society feel the need to access these photos is rather disgusting and unsettling. Apparently no one is safe or can keep any information private.

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